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Water Analysis

Water Analysis

Regular price £32.00 Sale

1 empty 200ml vessel complete with packaging and return postage paid. Just fill it up with water and send it back to us. Expect results of your analysis within 2 days of receipt.

Our plant food is comes in 2 formulations designed to work with either hard water or soft water. Every now and again a water is neither, or has a ratio of Ca to Mg that is problematic for best plant growth. In these cases we can advise on what to add along with the food to solve the problem or if needed provide a customised version of our food that will be formulated for your water, in most cases this is not needed.

Custom food has a minimum order amount of 5 ltrs and costs £10 more per 5 ltr set than standard food as we have to calculate a recipe and make it by hand.

Our test will determine how soft or hard your water is as well as testing the levels of key minerals for healthy plant growth. With these results we can recommend a food type and advise if a custom food would be best for your water. 

If ever you smell, taste or notice any differential appearance in the water or notice a change in the conductivity or PH then you should definitely consider sending in a sample for testing. After every test we can help you to find the best way to tailor make your nutrient to suite your current water type.

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